Cairns Occupational Therapy frequently work in conjunction with funding bodies such as WorkCover Qld, Defence Forces, Self Insured Workplaces, Comcare, Dept of Veteran's Affairs and Third Party Insurers (eg. Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Suncorp, Allianz, and AAMI.)
Additionally we treat private clients who wish to receive the specialised services that we offer on a fee for service basis. These clients may or may not have private health insurance.
Our Fees are adjusted annually in July. The fees listed below were current as at 1 July 2024.
Costs of splints, dressings, compression garments, therapy equipment etc. are variable and should be discussed with your therapist.
A referral from your treating doctor is preferred and is essential if you are claiming under WorkCover, DVA, CTP insurer or similar insurer. The referring doctor is responsible for coordinating client care and will receive detailed treatment plans and client progress reports.
We understand the importance of early treatment for acute injuries and will make every attempt to schedule clients for timely treatment.
Cost of Services for Private ClientS
Initial Consultation (<60 minutes) $217
Subsequent Consultations (30-60 minutes) $217
Petite Subsequent Consultations (<30 minutes) $163
The rebate available from private health insurance varies. Please contact your fund to clarify your cover.
EPC Consult
Private Client fees above apply for all EPC clients
Medicare rebate is approximately $60.35, there is always a gap fee. We do not bulk bill.
NDIS participant fees
We utilise the NDIS fee schedule for Therapeutic Supports which changes annually as per the NDIS price guide.
Worksite Assessment / Ergonomic Assessment
Cost for assessment is $238.70 incl GST per hour (including time for the assessment 1-2 hours, travel, report). Contact and provide your details for a quote.
Aged Care PACKAGE Clients
Cost for assessment is $217 GST Free per hour (including time for the assessment 1-2 hours, travel, report).
Contact and provide your details for a quote.