- Hand Therapy
- Work Rehabilitation
- Medicolegal Assessment
- Home Assessment
- Neurological Rehabilitation
- Burns and Scar Management
- Lymphoedema Management
- Soft Tissue Injury Management
- Optimising Recovery Post Mastectomy
Work Rehabilitation
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
An assessment used to determine the work capacity of:
- An injured worker returning to work
- Applicants for employment
- An individual who is unable to continue in their previous employment and is seeking information regarding alternative options
The evaluation is designed to assess an individual's ability to perform work related tasks including lifting, bending, reaching, grasping, walking, climbing, either specific to a job or in relation to a general set of job demands.
With this information a suitable duties program or alternative career plan may be devised.
Worksite/Ergonomic Assessments
Assessment of the work environment to determine options for suitable duties programs, ensure optimal safety and recommend modification of equipment or techniques if required.
Usually performed in conjunction with a Functional Capacity Evaluation.
Pre-employment Screening Assessments
Mini functional capacity evaluation to determine if the applicant is capable of performing the critical demands of a specific position prior to employment.
OHS Training
We can provide Occupational Health and Safety related trainings such as "Back Care and Injury Prevention" and "Office Injury Prevention".
Suitable Duties Programs
Our therapists can help design a suitable duties programme for an injured worker following assessment of the worker's capacities and limitations and discussion with the employer. The Suitable duties programme is likely to specify the recommended duties, restrictions, hours and how the programme will be progressed over the specified time frame.
We frequently monitor SDPs, advising workers and employers of any changes and upgrades that would be of benefit.
Ergonomic Assessments and Education
Ideal for anyone who uses a computer e.g. clerical staff, reception staff, managers.
Onsite group or individual training covering:
- How injuries occur
- Preventative strategies
- Workstation set-up guidelines
- Exercises to reduce risks
Individual assessment of each workstation to ensure optimal set-up and equipment.
Back Care and Injury Prevention Training
Ideal for anyone who lifts/carries heavy/awkward objects e.g. luggage handlers, cabinetmakers, child carers, housekeeping staff, night fillers.
Onsite group or individual training covering:
- How injuries occur
- Preventative strategies
- Discussion of safe lifting / manual handling practices
Practical session to reinforce safe techniques and problem solve difficult situations.